
Product Name



Quick Details

Pro Name: Carbetocin Acetate


Molecular Formula: C45h69n11o12s



1.Carbetocin works as an oxytocic, antihemorrhagic and uterotonic drug in the peripheral nervous system. The most common causes of postpartum hemorrhage are lack of tone in the uterus from overstretching or the use of an anesthetic.Carbetocin has been approved for use immediately following an elective Cesarean section when a local or spinal anesthesia has been administered. Since the uterus cannot contract on its own following incision during a Cesarean section, exogenous administration of oxytocin or an analog is necessary to restore uterine tone and prevent hemorrhage.


2.Safety of carbetocin following vaginal births and emergency Cesarean sections has not been established, though studies have suggested efficacy following vaginal births to that following Cesarean sections. Some studies have shown that a 10-70 ug dose following vaginal delivery caused contractions and no adverse side effects.Carbetocin has also been shown to increase uterine involution (the return of the uterus to its contracted state after the birth of the baby) in humans, horses and cows.


3.Carbetocin has also been shown to stimulate milk letdown through its action on the oxytocin receptors on the myoepithelial cells and there was not a significant amount of carbetocin in breastmilk.

Each dose of Duratocin contains 100 micrograms of carbetocin, 9 mg sodium chloride and ascetic acid. pH is 3.8 and peptide content is greater than 85 percent.